Thursday 22 January 2009

22.01.09 Pitch

Today’s lesson was all rushed; we were to complete our storyboards, make a filming schedule and pitch our ideas ready for filming next lesson. (The whole call only managed to present their ideas for the film.) This included, mise-en-scene, camera work, editing, sound, characters, audience, costume, props, location and lighting.

One member of our group was unable to attend this lesson meaning it was down to the three of us to pitch. We weren’t too worried about three of us pitching because the night before we all pitched in our ideas over msn so we had a brief idea of what we wanted to film.

The main problem that occurred with our narrative was that it was very complex. We were told this when given approval to film under the condition that we simplify our plot. Our initial ideas were very basic but due to us constantly disagreeing, and teachers sharing their ideas, we ended up over complicating everything.

We were the second group to pitch our plan to “the judges” yet in my opinion, the most time consuming group. As we were presenting our ideas to everyone, or in media terms “pitching,” I noticed how other pupils reacted to our plot. Some gave us confusing looks, which worried me because I had no idea how it compared to theirs, and some of them showed at lot of interest which brought up my confidence.

We explained how the narrative was based around the story of a psychopath who captures victims and continuously toys with people’s minds which leads them to eventually committing suicide. Therefore we eventually agreed to the title “Psycle”. It’s a play on words, the combination of the words “Psycho” (which represents the villain) and “Cycle” (which represents the repeated procedure.)

When we came to speaking of location we agreed to film in a park that was local to me, but there was a matter of how long it would actually take to travel there and back while we could be using most of the travelling time to film. So now we have to search for appropriate locations as well as a similar narrative.

Nobody had anything to ask us, there were more or less suggestions.

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