Tuesday 27 January 2009

Past Two lessons

The lesson before last was the pitch. We had to pitch our ideas to the class, and teachers. We started the lesson making spider diagrams for our pitch. As a group we discussed our previous ideas and put them to paper. Then we had to pitch to the class. Everyone in the group spoke about the film opening, and what we were planning to create. The class then asked questions, and we got some positive criticism back to help improve our work.

Last lesson, we worked on creating our storyboard and script. We had the option to go and film- but we knew we were not ready. we focused on tranisitions, shot types, editing and sound mainly. We found that we had too many ideas, that could not be put to paper. In other words we were OVER complicating matters, just because we were focused. We exchanged futher ideas before storyboarding, and scripting last. The outcome of the lesson was good although we did not start filming.

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