Tuesday 13 January 2009

Match Cuts

During this lesson, we learned about making editing "invisible" using match cuts. Match cuts follow the same sequence from many different angles, so that it looks like one smooth shot, and the audience doesn't notice the editing. We were set a task to plan shot types we would use in order to film a short sequence about a chainsmoker ilegally downloading secret files from MI5, burning them to disc and posting them. Nicole and I had quite a few good ideas, but we forgot to make the "chainsmoking" bit obvious. We then watched a film that Michael (one of the media technicians) had done for this scenario, to see how many of the shots we'd thought about, and whether or not we could see the match cuts. Of, I think, four match cuts, I only saw one.

After this, we were set the task to plan what we'd do for a short piece of film that we will be shooting next lesson. It is supposed to be someone walking into a room, sitting opposite someone else and the pair of them talking; and it can be in any genre we want it to be. So, seeing as our group is composed of Yarohey, Nicole, Fatma and myself, we decided to make it a "dramatic" comedy. Hopefully, if all goes well, we'll have a short piece of character 1 storming down a corridor, a jump cut to character 2 sitting patiently in the room, a jump cut back to character 1 turning to a door and then a match cut of character one bursting through the door and into the room where character 2 is waiting. All this followed by shor-reverse-shots of comedy dialogue done as if it was all very serious, character 2 calmly walking out and character 1 staring into the camera at the end. Overlayed onto all of this, should be an interesting soundtrack (we hope).

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