Tuesday 27 January 2009

Monday 26/01/2009 and Tuesday 27/01/2009

In this lesson (Monday), my group spent a while explaining the previous lesson to me, and what our idea finally was. Once I was -mostly- up to speed, we began storyboarding each shot properly, to get a better sense of what was achievable, and what we wanted it all to look like. While Nicole and Yarohey drew the storyboards, Fatma wrote down what effects/sounds/etc would be in each scene, and I wrote it all in more detail (with actions, etc). We then ran into a problem when Nicole and Fatma went to the art department to ask about borrowing a mannequin, which we're not allowed to do. After the lesson, Fatma and I went to the drama and props departments to see if they had any there, and it turned out that art took the ones from the props cupboard, and we already knew we weren't allowed to use them. Our next idea is to ask around at some of the clothes shops, and see if they have any damaged ones spare; if not, we'll have to find an alternative.

Today (Tuesday) I wrote up a rough draft of a proper script of the shots we're going to use, various editing notes (e.g. "desaturate the flashback"), and the dialogue for the voice-over in the flashback.

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