Tuesday 13 January 2009

Match Cuts

We learnt how to use and identify “Match Cuts” this lesson. I learnt that a Match Cut is a transition in which something in the scene follows in the next cut directly matching a character or object in the previous scene.

We were given a task to plan shot types, angles and actions in order to film a short sequence about a chain smoker illegally downloading secret files, burning them onto a disc and mailing it to whomever.

We then watched the clip that Michael (one of the media technicians) had done for this scenario to see if we had chosen any of the clips used (which I and my partner did plan.) We were also to spot the matched cuts used which I spotted after watching the second time.

Our next task was to plan what we'd do for a short piece of film that we will be shooting next lesson. We were asked to make sure we use certain shots. The scenario was someone walking into a room to sit opposite someone else and then start conversation. My group and I all thought it would be a good idea to make a “dramatic” comedy. We decided that both dialect and gestures would help to create the “comedy” atmosphere. The clip was going to be of one (character one) storming down a corridor to the second character (character 2) sitting patiently in the room. We decided to use a match cut between (character one) opening the door and bursting through. We tried to make sure the 180 degree rule could be achieved. We then chose to use shot-reverse-shot where the characters speak or in our case have a harsh toned discussion. There was more to our planning but I cannot remember it in all detail at the moment. But hopefully it goes according to plan.

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