Friday 16 January 2009

Blog 5-Filming our short clip

This lesson started quickly, we had no time to spare. We had to get on with filming as soon as possible, but due to a late member of the group we had to wait. After, a short wait we started. We started filming in order of how it would appear on screen just to make it easier, when editing. We filmed in the hallway, the main character (Nicole) walking through the corridor. We did this repeatedly as we had to get more than one clip, and due to a busy corridor. Then we flmed the main character opening and closing the door, making sure we had a match cut down. After more filming of that we went onto the second character (Me). We filmed me looking at my watch, and then the clock. The camera tilted down from the clock to me in a CCTV style. The next scene was one a high angle view of the main charcter (Nicole) as she storms into the room. Next, was the over the shoulder shots from behind the main chracter (Nicole) and the second charcter(Me).

Once we finished filming, we quickly when to the editing suite. We all helped out editing the clip, but fell short due to a lack of time. We only edited a quarter of our clip as we were running low on time.

The second practice did go very well compared to the first. We had a lot more group members involved, and more time to think and plan. Although, we did quite good it could have been better. We could have included more shot types e.g. low angles and managed our time better. If we mangaed our time better would could of actually completed editing. Although, our believed our group worked well- and i can't wait to start the thriller soon.

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