Tuesday 27 January 2009


In our groups we were given felt tips and paper to create a mind map of the key areas that we needed to cover in our pitch such as the plot, key images, settings and location, lighting, camerawork, editing, props, music and audience. We had previously discussed the majority of this using MSN the night before so we were confident with our idea and all we had left to do is get it written down and decided on a name. During the lesson Mickey asked us about our plot and advised us to make it simple as it was too complex to be used in a two minute opening. He suggested ways to simplify it but we weren't sure with his ideas and there was not that much time left for us to come up with a better solution as we had to pitch soon. So we decided to pitch our original idea to the teachers to get more opinions on what we should do.

Our idea we presented was focused on a villain and a victim. The narrative is the following:

A girl is kept captive by psycho who has been previously following her and has been keeping a recording of whatever she does. The girl manages to escape and takes the recordings with her as evidence. As she runs through a park but gives up and climbs up a tree and commits suicide, leaving the evidence by her side. This is then found by a someone else who then becomes the psycho's next victim.

The way we planned to film this confused a lot of the class and the teachers who also agreed that the idea was good but it needs to be more simple. We then talked through the rest of our pitch and explained how the title we had created relates to the plot. The title is a combination of the words ' Psycho' and 'Cycle' to make ' Pyscle', because its about a psycho who attacks on a continuous cycle.

At the end of the lesson we began deciding on what park we would film in and at first decided to film near Fatma's area but realizing how long we would take to get there and back it would be a waste of time, so we knew that we should be looking for parks that are good enough to film in near our college instead.

I think that we all left the lesson feeling the opposite to how we was when we came in because their was still not a clear idea for our opening and we did not have a location sorted out.

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