Tuesday 20 January 2009

Film openings

In this lesson we learnt about the four different types of openings to films such as the classic instant arousal and the small taster to that creates questions, title sequences and flashbacks. We also watched a documentary on different directors speaking about film openings whilst answering questions about it, after that we then watch last years AS levels students thriller openings to see what we should and should not be aiming to create based on their grades and we were also given a sheet to use to analyze their setting, camerawork, editing, sound ( diegetic and non- diegetic) and lighting and discussed our own opinions of their work and suggested improvements. I thought that a lot of of the previous students openings were quiet good, I saw that the location and setting was used very effectively in some but in others such as a one that was filmed in our college corridor look absolutely boring and last minute. After this lesson my group and I were all influenced by their work and suggested ideas of our own.

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