Friday 30 January 2009

Filming 1

We were all quite disorganized today, we spent the whole hour split into pairs, going to any clothes shop that was open and knocking on shops that were not, to ask whether they had any spare mannequins that they wanted to throw out to give to us, this was because we still did not have a solution to our mannequin problem from last lesson however this plan failed, so me and Fatma went to go and check out our planned location but when we got there we realized that filming there would not be possible because all the trees' branches were too thin for anyone to be hanged on, the park was too small for us to film the running scene and it also limited the types of shots that we could use, so we all regrouped back at college to sort out what do.

We decided to just film the shots that did not include the mannequin, but then we realized we didn't have a tape recorder either so we have to borrow one from the media department instead, as we left the building, I spotted the other art teacher and asked him instead if we could borrow a mannequin and he said yes. We all went back upstairs to collect the different parts and then we went all the way back down to the drama department to go dress it up in the same clothes as Carel as it was suppose to be a copy of her, we also found a wig and borrowed some rope.

Fatma then took us to a canal she had been too that was near to our college. It was perfect because it much more trees that were thicker and better for us to choose from, it had a stairway going into a long path which would be good for the running scene and it had no people around so we would not be disturbed. So then we chose a tree and began to set up the mannequin, this was difficult because the torso and the legs pieces weren't the correct match and so they didn't fit so we had wrapped the rope though the legs and around the neck to keep it together then we tied a loop around the neck again and hung it on the whole thing on the tree. We put Carels' coat on the mannequin so the rope holding it together could not be seen and so you could not tell that it didn't have any arms. Then we put stuck the post-it note on the the recorder, placed it on the ledge next to the mannequin and began filming.

At first we did the all shots that involved the mannequin so we wouldn't need to borrow it again, but because I was in most of these scenes, such as when I walk in and do actions that shows parts of the mannequin, I couldn't take part in filming so instead we took turns. So when it was just Carel by herself in shots I had the opportunity to film then.

We filmed me walking into the scene, taking a double look at the body and screaming from different angles, this was so we could have to choice of shots to use for a match cuts and also we had to film some shots a number of times because of disturbances, such as the sun shining from an angle spoiling the lighting or people walking in the way of sun shine changing the lighting from a previous scene, making it bad continuity and other times the people on the boats in the canal would go past and their engines would make too much noise or they would also stop to talk to us and take photos. We then done the shots of me picking up the recorder and listening from different angles, we decided to leave the post it note blank when we filmed the close up because we were going to edit it to show 'PYSCLE' and then change into 'PLAY' on the computer instead with effects.

When it came to filming Carel climbing the tree to hang her self we had to change trees as the one we were using was too high for the reach and also the branch didn't look too steady, so we went to another tree and she sat on it while we filmed her feet hanging lifelessly and then shaking as if she was struggling while being hanged. After that we went back to our original tree to film her top half because the branch would be in shot so we needed it to be the same. We tied a lose loop in the rope and Carel put around her neck while Fatma held (lightly) on the to the other end that was hooked over the branch so the rope didn't look flimsy and then Carel did a little jump on the ledge as if she just fallen from the tree and shook again to create a struggling illusion and then slowly hung her head down, swaying a little as to show that she was dead.

Because of our late start we were still filming through our lunch break and then decided just to film one more scene of Carel running into the canal barefooted, but it was freezing that day and it too much for Carel to bear as the pavement was cold too so instead we she ran in her shoes but it didn't make a difference anyway because you couldn't tell what was on her feet as it just look like her trouser were long. We only got this shot from one angle because we ran out the time and had to get back to college for next lesson.

I hope that next time we film we will be more organized and will be able to get more shots done, however I don't think that this lesson was a complete disaster because we did in fact get most of our storyboard done so I pleased about that.

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