Tuesday 3 February 2009

29.01.09 Storyboarding

To start off, firstly we explained what we did in the the previous lesson to a member of our group who was absent. Then we decided it was best to complete our storyboard. We discussed everything we needed for filming. Yarohey and Nicole drew out the storyboards and then passed it over to me to write down the effects, transitions, duration of clip and audio for each frame, including both diagetic and non-diagetic while Carel wrote up the narrative. We agreed that we were either Carel or myself was going the be the main character for the opening. Well finally ass discussed the necessary props that we needed to bring from home.

The big conflict for today was how we were going to achieve the planned long shot which was of a person hanging from a tree. Obviously the best idea was to use a dummy because it’s safer and most resembles a human like figure. Nicole was certain that the Art department had many body parts of mannequins that we could put together to create a whole person. We were advised to make sure that it was possible to use the mannequins before we found out at the last minute is wasn’t possible and be forced to change plans. So for this reason me and Nicole went to the fourth floor to ask permission to borrow a mannequin for our Thursday lesson. Unfortunately the teacher only time we were given permission to borrow it times were at specific times that didn't fit our schedule. We returned with the bad news resulting in our teacher searching the cost of a mannequin while we were forced to think of others possibilities. Everyone said to just exclude the shot from the storyboard but I was not a quitter, I decided to be stubborn and stick to the initial plan. I was going to find a way to do it one way or another. We thought about going to the shops and asking if they had any spare ones that they were going to throw out or just generally stuffing clothes with cushions then attaching a balloon to the top as a head with a wig so it appears human like from afar.

The lesson finished and we had no alternative. Then I remembered that the drama department had props so after lesson I and Carel went on a hunt to find the people in charge of the props. We were told that they did have mannequins and were given keys to check it out. When we got to the props room we discovered parts that belonged to the mannequin but nothing that was actually benefit us. We left with hope that we could work around it. We told each other to do find one in our spare time and even agreed to meet up if necessary.

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