Sunday 8 February 2009

Next lesson-Filming

In this next lesson, we went out filming. We realised we needed a mannequin to use as a dummy, when filming. We decided to spilt up into two groups, and go to shops looking for mannequins to buy/ use. We spent a period looking, and then retired back to college. Once at college, we found an art teacher that offered to lend us a mannequin. Once, we had the mannequin we went to drama, and used their props. We managed to get some rope, and clothing for the mannequin.

Later, we went straight to the canal in Angel and started filming. We made sure we had our story board, lighting and camera angles just how we wanted and began. We used the remainder of the lesson(double lesson), and our 1 hour lunch break to film. We did not stop in between and kept going. This was great, we were working together and getting work done. At the end of lunch, we finished the majority of the filming which was excellent.

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