Saturday 28 February 2009

Last lessons

Next lesson-Monday

We worked on trying to add the clips we logged and captured after half term onto the timeline. The idea was to complete as much as we could, because we only had a few lesson left. We put on transitions between clips to mark the passing of time. we spent the remainder of the lesson trying to put as much on the timeline as possible.

Thursday- On this day we worked out how to apply more effects onto the timeline. We used additive dissolves rather than fades, as we thought it would look better. We used saturation in the flashback to mark how far/close we were in the flashback towards getting back to the future. Also, we cropped areas in a clip that were irrelevant, and only appeared due to mistakes. We spent our 3 hour lesson completing what was left for logging and capturing. Once everything was on the timeline we then started including credits. We used image wire to complete the text on, deciding on size, font, colour, positioning, the background and effect. We finished the credits just before the lesson was finished. Carel, and Fatma used their 1 hour of their 3 hour break to complete more work. They added sound, and the narrative voice over.

Friday- Fatma, and I came in early to complete what was left. We finished off the sound, adding more background sound and footsteps. Nicole and Carel soon joined us at lunch where we completed the rest and finished the opening title sequence. Fatma, and I left for our next lessons, and left the rest of our group to add finishing touches, and present it to the teacher.

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