Saturday 14 February 2009


Carel warned us that she weren’t going to turn up this week which only meant that we could edit. We continued editing our opening sequence. All we really did this lesson was re film the post-it note. This was because it needed to be seen in a hand and not on the ground, also because we thought it was best that we actually wrote on it this time. So we used a marker to write on the post-it and then taped it on.

We had 2 take an umbrella outside to protect the recorder and camera from the rain. The rain managed to make its way on the lens but it wasn’t very noticeable. We only went outside the college to film this as all we needed was soil in the background, im just hoping no one can tell that its wet because then it bad continuity.

We just edited what we could from here on and then lefts gaps in the areas that needed to be filmed and filled.

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