Tuesday 3 February 2009

29/01/2009 Filming Day 1

For the first hour of this lesson we split up in pairs, on a hunt for a mannequin in the shopping centre next to college. Unfortunately it was too early for the shops to open, but as I was determined to stick to the storyboard I and Nicole knocked on the doors of the stores until someone came and answered us. Looking at the time me and Nicole texted the other two girls to meet us at college, we thought that we might as well record what we can until we find an alternative. The only other problem was finding a location, we decided to film in a park and during our spare time we looked for one. I remembered the time I first came to the college and explored the area to find a Canal sort of thing with plenty of trees. We all returned to college to pick up the props (as we were already carrying the filming equipment with us. Whilst there, we ran into an art teacher (different one from before) who Nicole once again asked about borrowing a mannequin. And at last we found one! It was difficult to carry with all the other props and equipment but we managed it. In the corridor we tried to fit it together but didn’t succeed. A worker tried to help us but also failed. But it didn’t matter because we could just tie the parts together with the rope we were going use to hang it from the tree with. It was at this point we realised we had no spare cloths so once again it was back to the props room for change of costume for both the main character (Carel) and the mannequin. They needed to wear the same clothes as they played the same character. We found the exact outfit (trousers) twice and a wig too. Another problem solved. We didn't need to find a top, as we were going to use Carel’s long coat which was going to be zipped right up to hide any evidence of a detected mannequin. Finally after an hour and a half, went to film!

Almost every tree had a good branch that leaned over the pathway perfect for our planned shot. But considering the location boats from the canal occasionally drove through our shots, ruining the sound and could cause bad continuity. The lighting was also poor but gradually got better as the day went on. Another issue to consider when matching shots.

We hung up mannequin with a little difficulty but it looked really good once it was there. We first hung it from its neck, pulled it up and then fed the rope through the legs and over the shoulder to hold it together. Then we put Carels long jacket over which covered up all the excess rope. The mannequin didn't have any arms not that we needed it considering the coat was thick enough to make it seem as though there were arms in the sleeves. We agreed to film any shots involving the mannequin first so we wouldn’t have to borrow it again. As a final touch we added the wig to it head and placed the tape player (with a blank post-it note taped to it) on the ground beside the mannequin hanging from the tree. Finally we were ready.We then filmed the mannequin (long shot) along with Nicole's reaction to the "dead body" swinging from a tree at several varying angles, in order to create a match cut in the editing process. I found the passing peoples reactions very amusing. I couldn’t stop laughing. They looked very concerned but knew it was for the process of filming because our cameras were in there view.

It was extremely cold which made it difficult to film and act.
As we went through the storyboard we managed to complete a lot of shots from a lot of angels. This included Nicole picking up the tape player and “reading the attached note.” A close up of the tape recorder, so that we could add titles to the post-it note in editing. Carel herself “hanging” as if she was struggling by jerking before going still, the rope was very loose for safety reasons. I never let the rope get tight enough to touch her neck. (mid shot.) Carel running towards the camera (long shot zooming out.) Her bare feet hanging and another shot of them jerking (close up) but she was really sitting on a tree. Throwing a rope over the tree and attempting to climb the tree. We filmed at an angle that looked most like how it would have if Carel had been in the right place and two different trees between these shots but hopefully it will not be noticeable.

Once we'd filmed everything we packed up and walked backed to college in the freezing cold and in a lot of pain. Because we wasted the first half of the lesson we filmed through lunch time and returned at the end of it with all the props. I would say a job well done to all of us. We worked so well together and all gave each other opportunities to do what we wanted.

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