Tuesday 24 February 2009

Half Term and Monday 23rd

Firstly: Apologies for my absence due to the college production (which went very well).

Fatma, Yarohey and I came in on the monday of half term, as we realised how much we still had to do, and the little amount of time we had to do it in. We started off by filming my feet running down the stairs. However, this was soon slowed to a run-like jog, as Fatma (filming) couldn't keep up with my speed if I ran. We filmed it a number of times to make sure we got the right shots, but were constantly interrupted by various members of the public and their dogs. Once this was done, we filmed my running sequence from a number of different angles, so that we would have more choice during the editing process for this short clip. In order to get a high-angle shot of me running, Fatma dedicatedly climbed a tree, as extending the tripod didn't seem to work properly, and the shot looked a little weird. Then I carried the camera on my shoulder to get a point of view shot, also of my running, and eventually stopping, and looking up at the tree as well. I then did some more POV footage walking around the tree and looking up at it, as if I were inspecting it. Once we had done all the filming, we went back to college to log, capture and edit. However, there were various complications with our log and capture process, during which time I was excused and allowed to go home, as I was sick, and had been in college every day of the week for two weeks straight due to the college production.

On Monday (23.02.2009) I found out that my group had managed to log and capture the remaining footage eventually, and had edited out short clip during my absence. So we set to work editing again, pulling in various sections of the new footage into gaps on the timeline. We also learned how to get the flashback effect we wanted, and how to steadily increase the level of saturation on the clips that we'd desaturated due to them being in the flashback. We also realised that, although they'd recorded Yarohey's voice, they hadn't uploaded it to the Macs, nor had we started thinking about the soundtrack.

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