Sunday 8 February 2009


In this lesson we were suppose to film the remainder of the last shots, but due to snow was not able. We decided to start editing. We logged and captured the filming footage on to Final cut Pro on the Macs first. Once capturing and logging, we renamed the clips appropriately so it was easy for us to manage when editing. We started adding the clips to the timeline, cutting out unnecessary media, and using the best. Once laid out on the timeline in order of the storyboard, we added transitions. We used transitions such as dissolve, to connote the passing of time in the opening sequence. Whilst editing we found slight error in a shot, and had to re-shoot. We re-shot the close up of Nicole and added it to the timeline. Once added, we edited it so when she blinked the post-it note on the tape recorder would change. It was hard to do, but looked great. We ended the lesson, with a quarter of what we filmed edited.

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