Wednesday 25 February 2009

Editing 2 ( The flashback)

Because I had been unavailable during a half term extra lesson, my group updated me on what they had done and how far they had got up to, we looked through the shots and started re-filling the gaps in the the timeline and adding on more clips. When it came to creating a flashback transition we struggled on deciding on how we were going to do it, first we tried fade out fade in, but that faded into black and we wanted white so the we tried putting a small white block between two clips and put addictive dissolve transitions on either side of it but we couldn't adjust it properly to get to get the timing right. Then we picked a light rays transition that brightens into a sharp artificial light, we used this on the two clips that showed the change from present day to the flashback and overlapped them, this worked well and we decided to keep it. We then desaturated the clips used in the flashback but we didn't know how to get the level of it to gradually decrease but then with help from one of the teachers, we were showed how to change the opacity scale on the settings, which we will increase a little bit more for each clip to show that scene is getting nearer to present day.

At the end of the lesson we realized that the amount of time shown on our timeline was wrong to the amount of time we have actually used. We timed our opening ourselves and discovered that the time it was showing was a whole minute more than we had done, so it was okay that we hadn't stuck to our time for each shot that we planned on the storyboard because we still had plenty left. However, I do think we need to speed up the time we are using in lessons because next lesson is the last one and we still have to add Yarohey's voice over, create a soundtrack and do some more editing.

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