Sunday 22 February 2009

Half term extra lesson

Half term lesson

Caz, Fatma and I came in during half term as we realised we had a lot of work to do and not a lot of time. First we started by filming Caz's feet as she was walking down the stairs. It seemed really difficult at first because of her speed, but later got easier. We worked on filming the running scenes, from other angles so there was more options to choose from. Once we did this, Caz filmed a POV shot of when shes running to show what shes looking at. Later we filmed her from the tree, and the shot where the tape recorder drops out of her hands and onto the floor.
Once finished filming, we immediately started editing. But qwe had problems as our tape was scrambled, and the Mac computers did not recognise our camera. With a small amount of help from our teacher, we managed to log and capture the remaining footage.

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