Saturday 21 February 2009

Recording voice over and Filming 3 (me running)

Carel was still away and there was nothing more we could edit. So we decided to record Yarohey voice, that would be portrayed as Carel's character voice, speaking a monologue that we planned to use as a voice over. She recorded herself various times because sometimes the recorder would pick up noise from people in the corridor outside the room and also to get the right tone in her voice so we had choice of which one sounded more effective.

But after this we still had more time, so we decided to film the shots of that just had me in them back at the canal. I changed my clothes to the ones I was wearing the 1st time we filmed, then Fatma and Yarohey filmed me running away from "Carel's body" from behind, in front and then I held the camera while running to get an angle from my character's point of view. This took us to till the end of lesson.

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