Saturday 28 February 2009

Thiller Final - The Deadline!

The Deadline
With two days before the deadline we had no time to be indecisive about things. Our mission was to finish putting everything in order on the timeline as quick as we could. And with minor doubts in mind we completed that quite quickly after rearranging some clips too. After this we weren’t sure whether to add in the sound or the credits. We took a few minutes to decide which one to do first, then with the constant reminder of the soon to come deadline, we decided to do the credits/titles. We all agreed on the way the opening credits were going to appear. Then we needed to think of what you would expect from the opening credits rather than the ending one. We also didn’t want to keep repeating our names in the credits to we decided to mention our names in the one area that we specialised in most and of course which was relevant for an opening. Eventually after a very long time on browsing through the text software (separate from Final Cut) we also named our production F.N.C.Y after each of our initials on a play on the word FANCY. Nicole’s creative mind came up with that. We had the text scroll onto the screen from the side and pause, using a basic font to not complicate things. The credits appeared over the “flashback” scene whereas most people created a cut for each credit/title. Because it was over a desaturated clip we added in a flash effect so it was noticeable. The credits were placed in a different section of the screen each time, the only reason for this was so it didn’t overlay or interfere with the clip. But it looked good; there was a pattern to how the text was ordered. The most annoying thing was transferring the text from one software to the other and then redoing them every time we weren’t happy with it. We had to also render the clips before uploading it to Final Cut and then render it again so it worked. The last text added in was our film title “Psycle.” We used a background for this one so all focus was on the title, also as an introduction to the film. We also had issues on agreeing to what the background was actually going to be, but in the end we agreed on a smoky "vapour" effect, to represent the mysterious ways of the thriller genre. We managed to complete the titles by the end of the lesson but never managed to move on to sound. And considering it was our last lesson it was down to us to finish off the opening during our own time. We agreed to meet later that day and the next day just before the deadline. Unfortunately we were never all available at the same time so we all worked on it when we could. I, Carel and Nicole manage to reunite later into the day. We got very little done in this time due to having to switch Macs and being kicked out so the others got a chance to edit. We did manage to add some sound though such as bone cracking and the voice over. I also deleted all the diegetic sound except Nicole’s scream. Everything else was non diegetic. We waited about 40 minutes to access to another Mac but by then me and Nicole had to return to lesson leaving Carel to add sound.

The following day I and Yarohey planned to meet to finish off whatever it was that Carel had done. As she was running late I decided to start alone. I made a few changes to Carels sound and added in a few of my own, Yarohey then walked in and was very happy with the progress. From what Carel had done I added in the sound affect for the title at the end, whooshing noises for the flashback scene and lowered the breathing. While I was with her we tried to add more sound to the silent bits. Nicole soon then walked in and the three of us adjusted the volume control over most of the sounds. We were all browsing the sound to fill empty dull parts and to create more suspense or set a mood to experience the thrill of our film. Carel then walked in and took over, she was proud of us as we were of her. I and Yarohey had to leave to get to lesson but from what Carel has told me, we still manage to finish it before the deadline and they made minor adjustments with an excellent ending result.

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