Thursday 5 February 2009

05/02/2009 - Editing

In this lesson, we were originally going to film the rest of the shots we needed; however, due to the heavy snow, this would have made for very bad continuity, and would have been very difficult to get our various shots. So, instead, we began editing the footage that we did have. We followed the storyboard, mostly, however there were a few things we had not decided to do until today. For example, in the storyboard, we were going to use a clip of the tape recorder with the title "PSYCLE" on the postit note, and then Nicole blinking, and then another clip of the tape recorder, but this time with the title "PLAY"; however, we found a transition effect that made it look a lot better, and with Nicole's blinking as a translucent image overlayed on top, it looks much better than what we had initially decided on. In order to to this, we first needed to film Nicole blinking. While Yarohey and I continued editing, Fatma and Nicole filmed that part.
We also had a few other ideas about the editing, and a new clip we could add, once it has been filmed. This new clip would introduce our "villain" during the flashback and voice-over, to re-emphasise certain parts of the dialogue. While editing, we found that the continuity wasn't as good as it could have been, due to changes in the light. Since we were outside, we could not control this. It looked good at the beginning - very cold, grey and damp. However, for certain shots, it is very clear that the Sun had come out, which gave everything a golden glow - not the effect we were hoping for, really. Still, we've got a long way to go yet, and things may get better.

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