Thursday 26 February 2009

Half Term and 23rd Feb

Me Carel and Yarohey came into workshop during the half term to finish filming. We had half the film to record. We thought its best we got straight to the point, film everything regardless and then edited it letter on. We started off by filming Carels bare feet running down the stairs. I instructed her to gently jog down the steps as it was too difficult to keep in time with her feet, also the tripod had restricted movement. We attempted this shot a few times to make sure we had a variety to choose from when editing. Also to avoid public distractions. We also filmed Carel running up the Canal from many different angels, one of which involved me climbing a tree to get a high angel although it didn’t really look that way. We then decided to give Carel the camera to film a POV shot of her running to the tree and examining it. She took a while to do it, but she got a lot of useful footage that we could work with. The last shot we took was of Carel “climbing” a tree. She needed two people to help her up but as there was only three if us in total we had nobody to film. There was no way we could offered to miss this shot, there were too many that we were forced to leave out because of unexpected circumstances. Our only open was to set the tripod up facing what we wanted to record and press record hoping me and Yarohey weren’t in the shot (which we were). We knew straight away that our continuity was going to be poor because Carel was wearing one shoe and one sock because she couldn’t “climb” barefoot. Once we filmed as much as we could we headed back to college ready to log and capture. We had a few issues doing this so we decided to leave, but in the end we got it all uploaded onto the Macs ready for editing next lesson.

The next lesson (23.02.2009) We got to editing just like we planned. Based on our storyboard we arranged the footage onto the timeline. We also added transitions and found out how adjust the desaturation on each clip. We had a flash transition to show a “flashback” and desaturated clips to show the past slowing moving to the present (full saturation). This had to be done correctly next lesson when we have more time. We realised we had one more lesson to add all the effects, transitions, sound, voice over and credits. Next lesson it going to be much stressed.

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