Saturday 28 February 2009

Editing 3 (adding credits)

This lesson was our last so we set off working straight away. We added in the rest of the clips to the timeline and all was left was to do was to edit the desaturated flashback, we needed to have the amount of saturation we decreased by the same in each clip so there wouldn't be a obvious noticeable change in colour. To do this we added up the total number of clips used in the flashback, divided 100 by that amount and took down the desaturation level by this for each clip. This took some time because we had some problems, at first we clicked onto each clip and changed the levels like we had planned but then halfway through we played through what we had done and realized that when we changed the settings for a clip, it changed the desaturation levels for all the clips we had previously done, so then we had to go through them again changing the settings but this time double clicking on each clip to make sure that it only selected the one at a time. We watched the flashback again but we didn't like it because it changed into colour too fast, so when it came out the flashback there was hardly a colour difference, so then we had to go through each clip again to change the levels. When this was done we moved on to adding the credits.

To add credits we had to use Live Type, we chose the font, colour, size, effects and positioned the credits within the frame, it was important that we done this right so that the credits were noticeable and readable but also didn't attract attention away from what is happening in the shot or block the view. We then created the title frame, this took longer than the credits because we looked through all the backgrounds and we couldn't decide which one was suited to our film opening. At the end of the lesson we finally chose a smokey grey background called 'Vapour', put the same effect on the title 'PHYSCLE' that we used on the credits and then added it to the end of our opening.

Me, Carel and Fatma had a spare hour free after lunch and we re-grouped to start creating sound. We opened Sound Track Pro and began looking through sound effects and was about to get started trying out different sounds when the teacher came in and made all the groups that were working in the room leave to make space other groups who needed to edit too. After 40mins of waiting for them to finish we finally were let into a different room but due to the amount of noise people were making we couldn't hear the sound coming from the Mac's and there wasn't enough headphones holes for the us three to plug in headphones instead, so then we had to move rooms again. When we finally got everything set up and open Sound Track Pro again, Fatma and I had go to our lesson and left Carel to go through sounds by herself.

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