Thursday 12 February 2009

Editing 1

Today, due to it being a rainy and snow still around we couldn't film because of it would bad continuity, so instead we decided to edit what we had already done. We uploaded the footage on the computers and separated them into different shots. We then arranged them in order on the timeline using our storyboard. Then we realized that some of the shots we had done did not match what we had drawn up and changed 180 degrees side we had planned to film on, limiting the angles of shots we could have done. Also there was bad continuity in a match shot that we had planned as one shot was just of the dummy hanging by itself and the other shot was me in the same scene but I had already entered the shot and was halfway down the path, so we had added a fading transition to show that time had passed. Although it was best we could do to fix this, I did not like it because the shots were from two different angles and looked awkward when placed after each other and needed to be filmed again.

Then it came to the shot that had text changing from 'PHYSCLE' to 'PLAY' on the post-it note, we had filmed the post-it note blank and planned to use the Mac's to create the effect. Carel spent ages trying to get the right text, colour, position and get it to move with the tape recorder, even with help from the teacher, but the camera was shaking when we filmed it so the text that we added in didn't exactly move in time with the shot and when we left it still, it didn't look right either so we decided to move on and decide what to do later.

We played through what we had on the timeline and the shot that we just edited did not fit in because it was suppose to be a match shot from me picking up the tape but in that shot I had just picked up and listened to the tape straight away and didn't stop to look at the post-it note, so me and Fatma decided to film just a close up of my eyes looking down blinking to add in to show that I acknowledge the text. We filmed this in class due to the bad weather but next to window in case you could see any of the setting so it seemed like I was still outside and then when were done we uploaded it with our other footage. Carel then layered this shot on top the one that we had previously edited, but in my opinion this looked bad and unusal because it didn't follow the conventions of real films but we were running out time and so we decided to leave it place on the timeline for now.

I think that next lesson we really need to stick to storyboard and perhaps re-film the shots that we missed out due to using the wrong side of the 180 degree rule, we should also do another shot of me walking into scene from the same angle of when the dummy was hanging itself to make a better match shot and to get complete perfection we should film some shots with the dummy again, if we could borrow it again, because some angles showed the whole wig which when filming we tried to cover up because it was very short compared to Carel long hair and so it made bad continuity.

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