Tuesday 13 January 2009

Sound Editing

In today's lesson we learnt about the importance of sound and how it helps create the intended feeling on the audience. Some of us had already experienced creating sound for a video so we were aware of the effects of it.

To begin with we were taken to the Macs room to watch the trailer for the James Bond movie: Casino Royale where we were to listen to the sounds used and the effect it had on the audience. We then all had the fun of using a software where we had to add sound effects to a still image. We then moved on and had to add sound to a silent short clip from the movie, there was a wide variation of sounds to chose from and compose together (This was my favourite task.) Although the Mac had issues playing back the chosen sounds, eventually we heard what we had produced. I felt mine sounded perfect. I added in effects such as the grunts to the passing vehicles, the tire’s drift and finally the numerous explosions.

Our last task was to use “Soundtrack Pro” (the software we used before for adding sound to our Thriller) to add sound to previously edited footage. By this time I was just listening to the variations of sounds and thought to add comedy type sounds to change the mood of the scene. The lesson finished before I had constructed an appropriate sound layering.

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