Sunday 11 January 2009

Sound Editing Tutorial

In this lesson we were on the Mac's and Mickey was showing us the importance of sound is to footage and how it can be used effectively. We first watched Casino Royale to see what are the different types of sound used such as, dialogue, soundtrack and special effects, to see how sound attracts the viewer attention by making a scene more interesting. We then ourselves had a turn at sound editing different video clips of Casino Royale through activities on the computers, such as listening to the different types of sound used on a scene separately before the sound editor put them together, choosing different sound effects to suit site specific scenes and sound editing a mute car chase scene by adding the correct sound in the right places. We also watched video clips from the sound editing team from Casino Royale to hear their opinions and experience of using sound effectively.

After that we moved onto using Soundtrack Pro to edit a piece of footage that was a normal everday scene of boy sitting in a cafe and some other people in his surroundings. Mickey showed us how to put the sound on the footage , how to shorten it and make it longer. I started off choosing different sounds for the ambience because there was a scenes where the camera switched from being in the cafe to being outside with the traffic and then I moved on to the sound of objects, like a fork hitting the side of a plate but I didn't get to finish it because then the lesson ended. I enjoyed the editing the Casino Royale car chase better because it was more interesting to do and the sound effects that need to be added to scene are more obvious because they often exaggerated in films to create suspense so you notice them more but with the everyday scene you don't really realized that the clip has been edited because it is more subtle to show you that its an natural environment. I also think that it was good for us to use Soundtrack Pro for this exercise because it gives us practice for when we begin to edit our thillers.

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